*In rainy or humid conditions, the static electricity suppression effect may be reduced compared to sunny conditions.
*The suppression effect may also vary due to differences in the level of static electricity charge per each vehicle.
*Effects may vary depending on the state of maintenance, such as engine oil and battery replacement.
*Differences in effects may occur depending on driving conditions and loading capacity.

Emissions measurement tests in Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar Municipal Bus Company, Mongolia
Date of measurement: 30 October 2019
Vehicle measured: Hyundai, 2008 model
*The above values are the average of three black smoke measurements.
*The static electricity suppression effect may be reduced under rainy or high humidity conditions compared to good weather conditions.
*The amount of electrostatic charge differs for each vehicle, so the suppression effect may also differ.
*The effect may vary depending on the maintenance conditions, such as engine oil and battery replacement.
*The effect may vary depending on driving conditions and loading capacity.

Case studies in enterprises
In Japan, AdPower has been used in logistics companies on vehicles of Isuzu, Mitsubishi Fuso, Hino and others, and reported improvements in fuel consumption rates of 2-8%, depending on the driving environment.
*Fuel consumption depends on various factors, such as driving conditions and loading capacity. Installing Ad Power does not guarantee improvement of fuel consumption.
Case 1
Logistics company, Tokai region

After the installation of AdPower Large on a truck of 10t, a measurement test was conducted on the changes in fuel consumption and the results were shared with us.
In the driving test average, an average improvement of 9% was reported on public roads for transmission vehicles. An average 7% improvement was measured on the main highway for transmission vehicles, and an average 6% improvement was measured on the main highway for automatic vehicles.
Measurement test of fuel consumption on trucks
( average of driving tests)

Measurement tests of fuel consumption on trucks
(Average of driving tests)

They also shared the following as considerations.
MT vehicles had a higher fuel efficiency improvement rate than AT vehicles.
Half of the five vehicles did not include summer air-conditioning use in the pre-installation verification due to driver changes and the purchase of new vehicles, so even more fuel efficiency improvement can be expected.
Approximately 2 million yen in savings in fuel consumption for one year on the tested vehicles.
Savings about 200,000 yen per vehicle per year.
*Fuel consumption depends on various factors, such as driving conditions and loading capacity. Installing Ad Power does not guarantee improvement of fuel consumption.
Case 2
Logistic company S, Chiba Prefecture
Installed AdPower Large on Isuzu trucks.

User Reviews
Various comments have been received, such as experiencing an immediate improvement in response after applying AdPower, a lighter accelerator, quieter engine noise, and feeling a difference especially on the motorway.
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