*In rainy or humid conditions, the static electricity suppression effect may be reduced compared to sunny conditions.
*The suppression effect may also vary due to differences in the level of static electricity charge per each vehicle.
*Effects may vary depending on the state of maintenance, such as engine oil and battery replacement.
*Differences in effects may occur depending on driving conditions and loading capacity.

Emissions measurement tests in Mongolia

The black smoke concentration
Ulaanbaatar Municipal Bus Company, Mongolia
Date of measurement: 30 October 2019
Vehicle measured: Hyundai, 2008 model

*The above values are the average of three black smoke measurements.
*The static electricity suppression effect may be reduced under rainy or high humidity conditions compared to good weather conditions.
*The amount of electrostatic charge differs for each vehicle, so the suppression effect may also differ.
*The effect may vary depending on the maintenance conditions, such as engine oil and battery replacement.
*The effect may vary depending on driving conditions and loading capacity.

6.15 (m-1) before installation → 3.29 after installation (black smoke – 46.5%)

Case studies in enterprises

In Japan, AdPower has been used in logistics companies on vehicles of Isuzu, Mitsubishi Fuso, Hino and others, and reported improvements in fuel consumption rates of 2-8%, depending on the driving environment.

*Fuel consumption depends on various factors, such as driving conditions and loading capacity. Installing Ad Power does not guarantee improvement of fuel consumption.

Case 1

Logistics company, Tokai region

After the installation of AdPower Large on a truck of 10t, a measurement test was conducted on the changes in fuel consumption and the results were shared with us.
In the driving test average, an average improvement of 9% was reported on public roads for transmission vehicles. An average 7% improvement was measured on the main highway for transmission vehicles, and an average 6% improvement was measured on the main highway for automatic vehicles.

Measurement test of fuel consumption on trucks
( average of driving tests)

Measurement tests of fuel consumption on trucks
(Average of driving tests)

They also shared the following as considerations.
MT vehicles had a higher fuel efficiency improvement rate than AT vehicles.
Half of the five vehicles did not include summer air-conditioning use in the pre-installation verification due to driver changes and the purchase of new vehicles, so even more fuel efficiency improvement can be expected.
Approximately 2 million yen in savings in fuel consumption for one year on the tested vehicles.
Savings about 200,000 yen per vehicle per year.

*Fuel consumption depends on various factors, such as driving conditions and loading capacity. Installing Ad Power does not guarantee improvement of fuel consumption.

Case 2

Logistic company S, Chiba Prefecture
Installed AdPower Large on Isuzu trucks.

User Reviews

Various comments have been received, such as experiencing an immediate improvement in response after applying AdPower, a lighter accelerator, quieter engine noise, and feeling a difference especially on the motorway.

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